
An omnibus of tech posts by a Futurologist on software development primarily.

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Business Rates council scam

In the UK each business has to pay Business Rates (National Non-Domestic Rates) tax to the local council. you would have expected it to be equivalent to council tax on a similar sized home, but actually it is vastly more.

A 3 bed house pays £1,400 per year council tax. A 5 room business pays £2,500. For that massive increase, they only get a single rubbish sack, no other services are provided!



GNU+Linux on mobile laggy

Three years on, iphone still dominates the new media smartphone market. Nokia limps along after it's massive head start with Symbian.

GNU+Linux is nowhere near.. too many bugs, too little (if any) QA. GNU+Linux is may never get and succeed in the quality niche.

QA and UI consistency has to be massively improved, will it change? I hope so, but no company has managed it over the last 3 years.

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International Domain Name mistake

Bad news for the Internet recently, International Domain Names (IDN) were passed by ICANN.

If you think about IDN, imagine if this was allowed for telephone numbers too!?

ICANN should not have buckled under unreasonable force from China on this point. It's only going to adversely affect biz with other countries too, as none can now enter a companies email address, unless they know the encoded equivlent in latin text. All email clients also need to be updated, and while abroad no Chinese staff will be able to email their colleagues in "pin yin" or any other language.

Consider, ICANN had already made the mistake of allowing this to become 北京.cn, the latest mistake allows this to be http://北京.中国/ (That is, I hope they didn't opt for the whole middle people's republic country name: 中华人民共和国)

So if you want to access this site, and you don't have Chinese input, you have to write: http://www.xn--1lq90i.xn--fiqs8s/ likewise, if you wanted to email 胡錦濤, you'd have to write xn--0jx757a5xn@n--1lq90i.xn--fiqs8s, oops!!

While Latin characters are in such wide spread use and Arabic numerals for phone numbers, it does make sense to rely on these 36 characters for our domain identifiers! Imagine if phone numbers could were changed to also be in Chinese?

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Symbian two phase construction

Saw this old announcement, but how long till Symbian drops the epoch past, ditches C++ manual two-phase construction push pop stack and let's us build and debug simply using GCC and eclipse without such a complicated build system!?



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